
Racism as a concept has been one of the many languages spoken by students of the 21st century. Finland has a country that is seen to be the land of happiness, but this happiness has a limitation to the skin/cultural origin of the individual. The higher now advances this racist thinking through selection of whom they want to speak with, or whom they want to relate with. In the word of ATABONG: '.... We got to realize that racial profiling was a huge, huge problem in Finland".

Most of Finland students believe that we are equal only to the extent of our skin color. Chants of #BlackLivesMatter are seen as a hashtag of hope amongst black and other profiled individuals in these countries towards an acceptance and inclusivity in the higher institution


Speaking about race/ethnicity, can we say the same about gender disparity? To what extent has there been an environment of healthy competition amongst student of different sex in the higher institution of both Finland. Based on 2010 research, with 74.7 out of 100 points, Finland ranks 4th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Finland’s score is 6.8 points above the EU’s score. Since 2010, its score has increased by only 1.6 points. Most of the increase (1.3 points) has been achieved since 2017. Finland’s ranking has remained the same since 2010. Gender disparity is one of the major canker worms that walks in the interest of the female gender.


With regards to LGBTQ community, research indicates that the higher institution in Finland is seen to be a haven for most individuals who decide to come out openly to the public as regards their sexuality. How they are being accepted by their peers is a function of the understanding of the fact that they believe in an open land, coupled with the fact that the country is seen as a land of happiness.

Both male and female same-sex sexual activity have been legal in Finland since 1971. This has translated to the educational sector as they are the major instrument used into socializing young ones.

As a major influence of a child, the higher institution takes most of the credit into shaping their views, as well as molding their character. How they are accepted and included into the four corners of the institution's plans and goals goes a long way into redefining what constitutes personality clash, and how this clash affects their psychology outside the walls of the higher institution. Racism, gender equality, as well as the LGBTQ community is a major driving force dominating the higher institution.